Thursday 19 June 2008

Comment moderation is on, sorry folks!

We have a persistent troll, so have had to turn moderation on. This has been building up for a while, as regular readers might have noticed. Sorry to do this, please do keep commenting as I think we are having some great discussions and we really appreciate your comments.

Update: Here is a link to the comment policy, just in case anyone was wondering. There is only one individual, posting under several names, who has transgressed it, and it is for abusive comments. They are aware that it is them, from the tenor of comments they have attempted to get through moderation since becoming abusive. They have actually made a number of perfectly acceptable comments before today, which remain, and any future ones by this person that are not abusive and which contribute to discussion will be allowed.

Alright, let's talk about something else!


Anonymous said...

'tis what happens when you say things too smart for other people to understand ;)

Keep up the good work and don't be discouraged by the trolls. :)

Julie said...

Thanks Ari. I don't find it discouraging, just annoying.

Anonymous said...

ROFL... apparently you're exporting your trolls to me now, too. :D I checked my email to find out I had moderation requests waiting... all five from the same troll. Mmm, the spam was delicious, may I have some more? ;)

Anonymous said...

I just don't understand why anyone would want to abuse you lovely ladies.

Deborah said...

I have finally identified the feeling that's been nagging away at me since the particular commenter(s) turned trollish. It's exactly the same one as when one of my girls catches nits, which these days, happens to everyone - they are so prevalent at schools. I heave a big sigh, and get out the shampoo, the fine tooth comb, sheets and towels, and just settle in to get rid of the damned things. They are very persistent, and it can take four or five or six sessions of shampooing and combing before all the little blighters are gone. But no matter what you do, no matter how careful you are about brushing and tying hair back, you just know that one day, they will be back again.

Oh well. I hope said commenter(s) do come back in their previously perfectly reasonable ways. It's a shame to have to moderate comments.

Anna said...

That metaphor made me chuckle, Deborah. I'd been thinking about Supernanny's advice about not giving in to attention-seeking behaviours...

Barnsley Bill said...

That particular troll has cast a very wide net. I have deleted over 100 comments and had to switch moderation on for a while yesterday until she fell asleep.

Anonymous said...

what the?! i read the exexpat and assumed your troll was a bloke. barnsley seems to suggest it was not?

wow. would be the first female uber-troll i've ever heard of.


Barnsley Bill said...

Lol, I can understand how exexpat would recoil in horror with the thought that the troll is female. But female she is without a doubt.

Deborah said...

Well, she uses a female name.... 'though looking at some of the comments I deleted, I had assumed that the female name was just a cover.

Julie said...

I'm not really all that interested in discussing the troll, I've got many better things to do with my time. Like soaking nappies.

I have some theories, but I'm not going to gratify him/her by discussing them in public. Feel free to email me Bill (or indeed anyone) if you want to chat about this further.

And to that end, I'm going to close comments on this thread.