Wednesday 4 June 2008

Her words...

One of the women that Brad Shipton raped was interviewed on Nine to Noon yesterday about the parole board report.

It's an incredible interview, well worth listening to. She reminded me of the worst sentence of the parole board report, which I didn't write about yesterday:
He is said to be low risk of sexual offending and if he were to sexually reoffend, it is likely that this would involve a sexual assault on an adult woman in the context of a brief sexual liaison.
I can't make that statement make any sense, and yet it's still unbelievably offensive and ignorant.

The legal process has taken a huge toll on this woman, but what is most clear from the interview is the wisdom that she has from experience, and the strength of her analysis of rape.


Julie said...

This woman has been so amazing and so strong. I get the impression that she and Louise Nicholas give each other strength, which is great.

BigGirlsBlouse said...

I read the full account of what happened to the Mt Maunganui victim just the other day. I was prepared to be shocked but even I was stunned at Shipton et al and their level of depravity. Louise Nicholas and the other victims are supported by If anyone wants to write letters of support to Louise, rape crisis will pass them on. She needs all the support she can get now Rickards is threatening to take her to court when he finishes his law degree.