Monday 16 June 2008

Monday Funday - Does not put stockings to soak in wash basin


As a 1930s wife, I am

Take the test!

Hat tip: One Good Thing

For the fellas, there is a husband test too, at the same link. Enjoy!


Deborah said...

Hah! I beat you, Julie. I got 24 - very poor.

Faye said...

I got - 8

As a 1930s wife, I am
Very Poor (Failure)


Danielle said...

10. Very Poor (Failure). I think it was all those risque jokes I tell. And the pyjama-wearing while cooking...

Julie said...

Sorry the link was broken, don't know how that happened, fixed now.

I think I would have done much worse before I was home with Wriggly, there were a few things I would have answered differently last year.

As a 1930s Husband I am "Very Superior" however - at 131!