Saturday 12 July 2008

Things that made me grumpy yesterday

I've narrowed it down to a top five...

5. The first petrol station dicking me around about the pump. Uncharacteristically for me, I actually drove away (having failed to get any petrol into the tank, no doubt because I'm a stupid woman) rather than passive-agressively toughing it out and giving them my money anyway.

4. The second petrol station's eftpos failing (for everyone) after I had put nearly $90 worth of liquid gold into my car. Being stuck inside the station while they tried to sort out how we could all pay, suspecting that poor Wriggly was having a melt-down in the backseat and agonising that I was unable to go to him. Sure enough when I finally got back to the car he had little tear-tracks down his cheeks and had bawled himself to a standsit-still. Bad mummy!

3. National's Early Childhood Education policy for that thing in October or November, what's it called again? You know, kind-of important, involves deciding who runs our country for the next three years, whether rich people are going to get huge tax cuts or medium tax cuts, if we'll have warmongers in charge, whether the Prime Minister will wear blue ties or red jackets? Oh yes, that's right, a general election. Maybe it's just me, but as a broad rule of thumb I'd have thought that a rather major part of New Zealand's education strategy might merit more than 12 bullet points from the party that could form the next Government. I had a bit of a rant about the ridiculously vacuous (and downright unclear) nature of this "policy" in the comments at The Standard already. Ye gads, is this the level of policy analysis we can expect for the next four to five months? I suppose I should just be grateful that the spokesperson, Paula Bennett, was actually in the room for this policy announcement and hasn't been knee-capped by the leadership. Yet.

2. The English RFU investigation finding two out of four players completely lily-white, and the other two only guilty of misconduct because they stayed out all night. Oh and slamming the woman who provided a detailed report of what happened to her, via a top law firm, because she wasn't available for the RFU to interview her. You mean like the four players were unavailable for our actual police force to interview them?

1. Seeing Clint Rickards in the food court at St Lukes, with a young woman (probably his daughter). I had not realised how huge he is - not fat, more big in a filling-the-doorway manner. I felt physically ill.

So that was my crap Friday. The best part of it was the friendly Plunket car seat wonder woman who saved Wriggly from an aching neck, she was a marvel, but sadly it was mostly downhill from there. (The lovely blog comments here were so nice to come home to as well!) How'd your TGIF go?


Anonymous said...

The thing that made me grumpy was stupid yahoo breaking my website - which is still broken! Friday is usually the day I get to catch up on website stuff and I had things planned to do. Devastated. So I'll rant on your website instead ;)

But in nice news, my mum flew in from aotearoa yesterday. Yay for mums!

Anonymous said...

Things that nade grumpy yestrday.
The English RFU
The Vietch story and sheer idiocy of some blog commenters (not here)
My three-year old yelling muuuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmyyyyyyy from the play room at the other end of the house every 5 mins. I love her dearly but yesterday it got old very quickly
My one year old wanting to feed every hour day and night for the last few days. Yes she is eating solids but she has a cold so...Again I love her dearly but...

Danielle said...

I would like to have a little moment of grump about the Veitch thread at Public Address System. There is a very weird apologist vibe there right now. To which I say MEH.

Anonymous said...

Danielle - I agree. It seemed to be goign well then "provocation" and words liek that started to come into it.

Oh and my children have been little angels today and I am no longer in a grump with them :-)

Deborah said...

Apologist vibe is still going on PAS, and has descended into mutual congratulation now. Bleagh.

Julie said...

Thanks for sharing everyone, I'm off to check out this apologist nonsense over at PAS but may get too depressed to write a comment about it (this happens more than you might think).

Glad to hear your children are returned to their angelic state aaml! Wriggly had a jab this morning so I expect him to get progressively grumpier throughout the day...