Tuesday, 23 September 2008

None of our business

Nope none at all.

This teacher is having sex. Lots of teachers have sex. Some teachers have straight sex, others have gay sex. Some teachers have more sex and some have less. Some teachers indulge in practices that are different from what you do. And apparently some are getting paid to do this. In the end it is none of our business so long as they are getting the job done in the classroom.

Some of the pupils fathers may well be her clients as are men in a whole variety of 'respected professions.' But hang on. We never talk about the customers do we, just the prostitutes and their morality.

*Bangs head against desk*


DPF:TLDR said...

We never talk about the customers do we, just the prostitutes and their morality.

Do you imagine nobody would care if a male primary school teacher was found out to be frequenting prostitutes?

Stephanie said...

Do you imagine nobody would care if a male primary school teacher was found out to be frequenting prostitutes?

Not like this, no. It wouldn't be news anymore than a doctor or a police officer using their services.

DPF:TLDR said...

I think you underestimate the concerns about paedophilia that tend to inform people's treatment of male primary school teachers.

Remember the Peter Ellis situation? Remember the significance that was attached to the revelations that he sometimes didn't wear underwear under his trackpants, or was gay? Now imagine if he'd frequented prostitutes on top of that.

But getting back to the original situation, it's fairly well established employment law that an employee is entitled to take any other employment the employee holds into consideration when choosing whether to hire or retain that employee.

Julie said...

Can't comment on this, due to my day job, but readers may be interested in the thoughts of:
Queen of Thorns -
Homepaddock -

Anonymous said...

I used to flat with some primary school teachers.....some of the partys we had and the drugs & the booze. A teacher who gets paid for the odd bit of sex is a bit tame in comparison

Anonymous said...

1. Presumably the customers don’t know she’s a teacher (not that it would matter.)
2. Presumably criticism of prostitution implies criticism of its custom. Although note that people who like to ban things (social conservatives, lefties) seem to feel that cutting off supply somehow puts an end to demand.
3. You can’t have it both ways. If you’re morally ambivalent to prostitution, you can’t take a stand on the customer.

Muerk said...

I'd be more bothered by someone frequenting a prostitute than I would about someone being one.