Organised by the Auckland Coalition for the Safety of Women and Children:
Make a short film for YouTube about relationship violence against women and be in to win $2000 for first prize, $1000 for the runner up. Help prevent violence against women! Go to behindthescenes.co.nz for more information.
Domestic violence is a serious and lethal social problem in New Zealand. One in three New Zealand women experience physical and or sexual abuse from a current or former partner in their lifetime (Fanslow, 2005). To encourage young adults to engage with issues relating to domestic violence, we are running a YouTube competition in 2009, open to young men and women aged 17-24 inclusive (not just film and media students). The task is to make a short video clip that explores male relationship violence against young women.
Although this project is about boyfriend violence towards girlfriends, many men have respectful and loving relationships.
Women have come a long way but some men still use violence towards women in relationships. Domestic violence has been dragged out of the closet. This is an opportunity to drag boyfriend violence out in the open! We want all young people to have a go at challenging this culture by promoting respectful relationships.
You could have a go at busting some myths.
Some myths that need busting:
- Boyfriend violence doesn’t happen except to hoodrats
“I thought domestic violence only applied to old people.” Lilly - Boyfriend violence is only physical violence
“He used little put-downs that snowballed until I felt I was nothing.” Kyllie
“He kept phoning me all the time. He wanted to know who I was with and where I was.” Katene - She stays so she must like it.
“I felt like crap. I thought nobody else would want me.” Jodie - She deserved it.
“He said she cheated on him.” Callum
Many thanks to reader Caroline for emailing me about this, sorry it's taken me a while to get this up!
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