Thursday 8 October 2009

Cupcake's little sister

Feminist cookies, by sajbrfem, here's an, errr, taster:

sajbrfem defines feminist cookies as follows:
we talk about feminist cookies all the time, that idea that sometimes people expect to be rewarded for doing the the things that, really, when examined, come down to meeting the minimum standards of decent behavior anyway.
There's quite a range up there and I am jealous of her icing writing abilities.


DPF:TLDR said...

It's a sad day when liking Buffy is seen as a qualifier for being pro-feminist.

Stephanie said...

I don't like buffy

anthea said...

Well I love the Buffy one...

katy said...

She's being ironic in a nice way, isn't she? ("You have a gay friend? Have a cookie")

anthea said...

katy - that was my reading. Though I guess the Buffy one should rightfully have been cookie dough.

DPF:TLDR said...

Gee, I think I was more comfortable with that idea than the one that liking Buffy was a 'minimum standard of decent behaviour'