Wednesday 9 December 2009

Inadvertent Xmas vileness

Snapped outside the Greenlane Presbytarian Church in Auckland today.


Moz said...

Either their english is worse than we could reasonably expect, or they're being quite crude. I suspect a less sexually-oriented organisation would have a billboard saying "Mary was wrapped around the first Christmas present". But since she did the wrapping, it was presumably around God's first coming. Which I find kinda refreshing, rather than offensive.

Interestingly, my Captcha is "obless" :)

Simon said...

sorry but I fail to see any vileness here, may be a bit on the naff side though. Its hardly worth a mention.

Unknown said...

@Simon, the implication of the "Jesus: God's gift etc" line is not that Mary wrapped the present i.e. swaddled baby J or whatever, but that God wrapped Jesus in Mary, i.e. Mary as wrapping paper. Just charming.

Simon said...

Tui - no youre wrong... the "implication" that youve come up with is yours and is baised on your own bigotry, its what you want to believe not what was said. With a wee bit of imagination anyone can come up with any bit of implication they want from any statement. doesnt make it true though.

Boganette said...

I don't get it. Is baby Jesus the present? What was the first present?

Simon calm down. It's not bigotry to question the taste of a billboard so get off your high horse.

Anonymous said...

What I got out of it is that Mary wrapped the first present (in swaddling clothes) after doing all the work of giving birth, having carried him around for 9 months, does the majority of the work raising him (only to have him sent to his death for the greater good by his absent father)...

Yet it's always the guy who gets the credit!

AnneE said...

I think they probably meant wrapped as in swaddled, but inadvertently left this open to Tui's interpretation - which is indeed completely down-putting. Here's a better line I saw on a subversive card: Mary saying to a woman friend: "After the frankincense and myrrh, the maintenance stopped completely."

Anonymous said...

OMG talk about reading waaaaaaay too much into it. Simon is right, your bigotry is what is vile here.

Jesus, to christians, was a gift for all mankind. I'm not a christian but at least I can look at this without making up that its part of a women hating agenda by the christian church. Sheesh!!!

Julie said...

Dear Anon at 5.20am (who looks to be the same Anon who is a fan of Paul Henry on another thread at 5.34am),
1. Kindly find a dictionary. Online will do fine.
2. Look up "inadvertent".

Anonymous said...

Well I think the new St Matthew-in-the-City billboard is really going to test your gag reflexes!

Mary and Joseph in bed together. Mary looking sad. Joseph looking dejected.

Caption: "Poor Joseph. God is a hard act to follow."


Anonymous said...

I'm the 5:20 anon, no Im not the same as whatever you're on about. Terribly nice of you to avoid answering the points made.

Your bigotry knows no bounds.

Julie said...

Glad to hear we have two readers so excited at such an early hour as to comment trollishly. A sure sign of success!

Anon you haven't shown any understanding of the actual point of the post. Inadvertent was used by me for a reason. Because I think it was entirely inadvertent (i.e. unintentional) on the part of the church.

Sounds like you also need to look up bigotry.