Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Reminder: Chance for Aucklanders to have direct input to Child Support review

Thanks very much to Leonie from Auckland Women's Centre for the timely reminder about this event, I strongly encourage anyone with experience of the child support system to try to make it if you can.  
Have you had experience with Child Support through inland revenue?

The Families Commission would like you to participate in a focus group exploring the proposed review of the child support scheme and what this would mean in practical terms and also any other changes that may be required for child support.

You will need to be available on the evening of Monday, 11th October 2010, and we are able to provide $30 per participant to help with child minding and transport costs.

Please register on 376 3227 or  Please do not attend without registering - thanks!
If you have an event you'd like us to promote please feel free to Contact Us, and if it meets our criteria (broadly, women-focused/feminist and in NZ) then we'll pop it up.  

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