Sunday, 6 February 2011

Topping off my week of feminist rage

The existence of the New Zealand police taps pretty much into the core of my rage at the best of times. And their recruitment campaigns are always appalling. There was one that was all about how boring and stupid teaching was. And then there was this one:

Girl germs are super catching - and they don't impress his manly bbq-ing friends - obviously the only solution is his own baton.* That whole series of ads was basically "work that is coded feminine is gross and not suitable for men."

But their latest set of ads are about communicating a slightly different message:

Yes, Clint Rickards, Brad Shipton, Bob Schollum, and many other men who have never been publicly named did like them young. Police rapists don't rape indiscriminately; they focus on powerless women.

The message of the latest campaign is clear: "We're over even pretending to care about police officers who rape. Instead we can go back to what we do best. We've even got a guy at the training college to make sure everyone understands the 'bros before hos' message"

Ideologically Impure (who gets credit for the picture) and Luddite Journo are much more coherent than me on these posters. I don't think I've got anymore words for my anger at the New Zealand police force, at least not at the moment. So consider this a scream at the end of my week of feminist rage.

* This definately makes me think of the Simpsons: "Dude you kissed a girl that's so gay".


Nicky said...

Even before I had a chance for the implications of this poster to sink in, I felt sick when I read it -- this was just an immediate, visceral response. Yuck!

Muerk said...

Oh my... Epic fail. and yes, yuck. Someone really didn't stop to think this one through.

Anonymous said...

Saw it about a month ago in Christchurch - I thought 'yuk'; my partner (male) said 'My god, have they forgotten Clint Rickards already?'.
Well worth a whole week of feminist rage in itself, Maia.

Lyn W said...

I am absolutely enraged and disgusted by this poster. So blatantly and brazenly these few words shout out such ignorance and arrogance! Judith Collins, explanation required!

AnneE said...

I am no longer surprised at anything the clever little boys, and girls, in the ad industry come up with. But I would like to know which incredibly stupid police person approved this campaign? Let's hope it wasn't the new commissioner...

Cara said...

I saw this awhile ago on Cuba Street. It is really the most awful billboard they have ever had. Not only is it disrespectful because of past occurrences but it also (immediately) provokes images of paedophiles because of the way it's worded.
It's yuck anyway.

Lyn W said...

How about..We've got a lot in common with rapists & paedophiles or a lot in common with sugar daddies or... It is so sleazy! The most worrying & disheartening point for me is that it has passed so many peoples approval before it went to print!

Sandra said...

ugghhhhh. Does anyone have a suggestion of who we could most effectively complain to?

Anonymous said...

Best way to complain is to make a complaint to the Advertising Standards Authority, see

The police (and its advertising agency) will be required to explain their reasoning behind the add. Should make for interesting reason.

And yes I agree that the poster is appalling.


Sanna said...

The disturbing thing really is that people who rape as a power thing (read: a reasonable percentage of rapists) would also be drawn to career roles that give one a position of authority in the community, like police officer. Is there not some sort of screening process in place? Of all people the police force should be aware of things like this, yeah?

Hazel Parson said...

It has honestly taken me a few days to accept that this is a real ad and that a real PR person and some real actual marketing people came up with this, and then showed it to people with the power to approve advertising campaigns, and those people thought it was totally cool and awesome, and it went to print, and then they used the posters! In an actual advertising campaign!

Because. Yeah.