Kiwiana (inked) by Kiwiana - via The Stroppery
In my head by Lena
Pacific Island Dreams by Janine Terese Fiebig
Don't forget, blogs by NZ women, or women in NZ indeed, we're happy to add to the mega-NZ Women in Blogland Blogroll (in the sidebar), just let us know you exist.
Update (by Deborah):
Also, the wonderful tumblr by Coley Tangerina - Tangerina, wherein you will find a wonderful mix of feminism and activism and pretty and shiny and kittens. Coley also posts at new feminist group blog, The Stroppery.
From a comment on this post, Cara's blog Life is a Feminist Issue. Great blog name, Cara.
AHAHAHAHA! I Love the image for this post. Off to go check out the newbies...
Hi :)
I have a feministy blog:
LOVE the image here :) Also loving the blog roll, so many cool amazing people! I wish I had a (very well paid) job as a professional blog reader...
Excuse ignorance, etc., or missing something, but what happened to The Stroppery?
@Rachel Hansen - let me know when you find someone who'll pay you to read blogs, I want that job too! ;-)
@captiver - (this is what I said last time someone asked) "sadly The Stroppery is no more, but I [think] they are all still blogging at their own places (or in Emma's case at Public Address). You should be able to find all of them on our blogroll (Tallulah Spankhead was the only one without her own place previously and she is now at Strongly Wrong). "
Hi, I have a Tumblr. laranitanz.tumblr.com
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