Thursday 15 May 2008

14th Carnival of Radical Feminists

The 14th Carnival of Radical Feminists is up at Meta Watershed. I haven't made my way through many of the pieces yet, but Maggie, who put the carnival together this month, has selected favourite lines from each post that's in the carnival. In a moment of meta-meta-ness, here are my two favourite lines from the lines she has picked out.

"...As rapacious and lascivious as some of the patriarchs who founded this here nation were, I’m pretty sure none of them intended that the very first amendment they added to the republic’s founding sheet of parchment would be used as a pretext for defending the 'right' of motherfuckers with morals lower than whale shit in the Marianas Trench to create videos simulating the gang rape and sexualized murder of women, and the simulated rape of children."

Nine Deuce, at Rage Against The Man-chine,The First Amendment is only sort of cool

"The next time somebody tries to tell you that men have to deal with just as many unhealthy stereotypes about their appearances as women do . . . just walk them over to the magazine aisle."

LaDoctorita, at unconventional beauty, cover girls, take 2

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