Thursday 19 February 2009

Thursdays in Black: HMA

Anti-violence programmes and the like have been in the gun a bit in the last week, because of the low levels of completion amongst those ordered to attend by the court. It seems to me that some of that criticism is being aimed at the wrong place...

But back to the subject at hand - local initiatives aiming to address violence.

HMA (Hall McMaster & Associates Limited) focuses on creating and supporting programmes such as probation officer training, domestic violence courses, and restorative justice initiatives. They have a range of self-help resources available on their website for free as well.

HMA was originally based in Christchurch and now offers support in many of New Zealand's main centres. Here's a bit more about them from their own website:
Our mission statement is 'Working with Passion and Integrity to bring out the best in people'; a statement that is at the core of our philosophy to life. For many years we have all involved ourselves in social justice issues and are passionate about making our communities a safer and more respectful place.
Their web

We are committed to social change through the following means:
  • encouraging responsibility for behaviour that impacts negatively on others
  • being accountable to others for our behaviour
  • making the most out of each opportunity
  • our belief that learning is a life long task and continuing our own growth and development
  • working to privilege the stories of those who have been silenced
  • working hard and with dedication to bring about change in the lives of people
  • keeping connected with practice
  • integrity in working within our realm of expertise
Each of our partners and associates is actively involved in a range of organisations and initiatives designed to bring out the best in people. While most of our work is about training workers in the human services to work more effectively, we bring that same dedication to individual clients whom we work with.
Their website is well worth a general browse as it is chock-full of information and useful resources.


Anonymous said...

Actually, Julie, these sorts of programs are great if the client accesses them voluntarily. The problem is that they are often forced on extremely disinterested people who a unlikely to attend a whole course and will probably not absorb the material, even if they are forced to attend.

Julie said...

What do you do then about the people who refuse to go? They are quite possibly those most in need of assistance... Genuinely interested in your response (or anyone's).