Sunday 8 March 2009

Happy International Women's Day!

Here's a few links for you:
Bright yellow hard hat tipped to Women in London for some of the links and the pic. (Although it is slightly disturbing that New Zealand falls outside the woman symbol!!11!)


Anonymous said...

Julie said...

Unfortunately I couldn't watch the whole of that video Anon, but what I saw was interesting - for those not sure about making with the clicky, it's a BBC World excerpt, a bit over 2 minutes long, about the loss of popularity of International Women's Day in parts of Central Asia which were previously in the USSR. Some women there see the origins of March 8th as a Soviet public holiday as counter to their religion (Islam), and are thus rejecting it.

Anonymous said...

Let's try making that link clickable..

I keep forgetting that blogger doesn't automatically do that when presented with a url...

this and this might be of some interest to you.