Monday, 21 November 2011

Election Night Events

So as Julie has already said, some of us here will be live blogging on election night, wherever we are. This is an invite to let us know what events are happening where - send them in to comments and I'll repost them - in case anyone is in search of like-minded bods to count votes with. All political party events welcome.

I'll start with the event I'm going to, the Green Party Party, at the San Francisco Bathhouse in Wellington:
Wear your favourite shade of green and welcome in the election results amongst other excellent people.

There will be the best result viewing facilities in Wellington, complete with big screen live streaming, a pod of computers to select your own news sites, and commentary from MPs and candidates dotted through the evening.
Plus Newtown Rocksteady, for $15 waged or $10 unwaged.

Others please.


anarkaytie said...

Oh goody ;-)

Seeya there, and also; thanks, now I don't need to feel the slightest shame about my lack of preparedness to live-blog from the party.

Doing anything on the 25th for White Ribbon Day?
(totally slipped my mind, I have to say, altho' I haz a new denim jacket patched up in response...)

LudditeJourno said...

No, feel shame and get your blog on :-) I'm not blogging about things Green - we decided to do live blogging after I'd made plans for that night, so it's not an attempt to cover the Greens particularly, it's just that I'm shallow enough to be going to the party with the best funky dub band ....
No WRD this year for me, or 16 days of gender activism. Next year.