Monday 9 June 2008

bfm podcasts from today's The Wire, and other Lisa ad-related stuff

As I mentioned on Friday, The Wire played a series of interviews about the Lisa ad today. They played mine first, then spoke briefly with Hilary Souter from the Advertising Standards Authority (who wouldn't talk about the Lisa ad complaints, so it is just about the process), and finished up with Gerard Vaughan from ALAC. I've linked to the overview pages for each interview so that you can click through to the mp3s at a time that suits you, rather than have them possibly start blurting out.

Vaughan focused a lot on the "research" ALAC has done on the harm caused by alcohol, as well as the extensive focus group process used. The bfm interviewer, Hayden East, pushed him a bit about consultation with social agencies working in the area of rape and sexual assault, and the first time he dodged the question. The second time he made it sound like ALAC's marvellous "research" had resolved any concerns those groups might have had. I am keen to find out if this is really the case, as I suspect it is not the full truth. On the whole though I thought Vaughan was candid and prepared to discuss the issues, which is good. Hopefully it bodes well for continuing my correspondence with them, which I might get time to do on Tuesday or Wednesday.

I received a response from Sue Bradford today, which is supportive and indicates that she is going to pass my message on to the relevant Greens spokesperson (Sue Kedgeley).

I still haven't had any reply at all from the ASA to my emailed request that they actually consider my complaint (and those which raised similar issues). I was going to send it again today through a different channel, but I think I've run out of time, and to be honest I'm running out of energy about this a little. Fingers crossed I feel more invigorated tomorrow.


Stephanie said...

Yah keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

You are doing an amazing job Julie, well done!

Anna said...

I agree - I'd love to see you keep going with this issue if you can. It's really important. But don't let it consume you either. That's what babies are for. xoxo

Anonymous said...

Fantastic Interview Julie - You go grrrl!!!!! Anything I can do to help I will

Anonymous said...

The Human Face: I saw gerard Vaughan from ALAC on TV last night and heard the podcast. he seems a resonable guy. I wodner if someone (me?) were to put a personal face on the impact of Lisa ad to him woudl he react anydifferently. I've been reading about the abortion debate today and was reminded of Stef's brave post on that and...maybe its what ALAC/ASA need. To have Lisa front up tot hem