Sunday 15 May 2011

Introduction (anthea)

So... uh... I never made an introduction post, but seeing as the other newbies either have or are planning to, and I know people appreciate them (I certainly do) I hope you can excuse me posting this a little late.

I'm a big fan of narrative, and my blog posts tend to tell stories and/or draw on personal experiences, so you'll learn far more about me from them than any arbitrary list I can put together here.But for starters, I'm in my mid twenties, living in the Wellington region and employed in a job that has very little to do with the rest of my life but rather facilitates (mainly financially) the rest of my life :D

With no particular specialist qualifications (academic or otherwise) a lot of my blogging is an attempt to make sense of and draw from my own experiences, whether personal or affecting those around me. These may include: experience of a disability which affects my performance of gender roles, all the categories/conceptions of migrants I don't fit into (and some I do), why changing laws only goes so far and mass movements are awesome, radical perspectives on healthcare, various ramblings about sexual orientation and defining thereof and women in/feminist speculative fiction.

But sometimes I just rant about the news media because it makes me really fucking angry.

I've been a reader of The Hand Mirror almost since the beginning, and it's awesome to be on the team. Looking forward to making many more posts, and seeing some of you in the comments.

1 comment:

Julie said...

Thanks for this anthea - of our newer bloggers I feel I know you the least, but now I know you a bit more than I did yesterday. Loving what you are already writing here and looking forward to more :-)